This is so true Ty! This is why books are so important. If we did not put pen to paper so much of everything worth sharing would have been lost, forever.

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Exactly, I wonder how much profound wisdom and knowledge that could've changed the world was lost when Alexandria was burned? Imagine if it all was burned, how much do you really think we would have evolved without the ability to bounce off of the ideas of our predecessors?

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It's almost impossible to comprehend. I think we take for granted the access we have to millennia worth of wisdom and culture in an instant.

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A sword that also could write as a pen would be the ultimate. I apologize in advance for my sense of humor.

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The Gigapen lol

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Beautifully said! Your passion for the written word truly shines through. You captured the power of writing in all its forms, from personal expression to preserving history. Keep writing and sharing your voice, it clearly has the power to inspire.

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May 11Liked by Ty Tidwell

Great read Ty, being quite new to Substack it’s reassuring to see the written word appreciated on here as it is in great books that came before us.

The author Saul Bellow said “a writer is a reader moved to emulation.” in that respect, what books inspired you to write?

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Thank you for the kind words! I can’t say there was ever a specific piece of literature that got me into writing. I just always enjoyed writing stories as a kid and got away from it for awhile as I got older. I only got back into reading and writing just about a year ago, but I would have to say Dostoevsky has probably been my favorite author and I enjoy reading anything written by the Stoics.

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It could be if we put down all our destructive force and write for the light^^

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Love this. I wrote a piece a while back when I started here on Substack about why I write (I'll share it below, it was more of a wordfall than finished piece)

I love what you've said here about the distillation of thought in writing, the ripple effect or legacy of writing, as well learning, inspiring... and being inspired by... people you will never meet.


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May 3Liked by Ty Tidwell

Great piece, Ty! It's amazing how words can travel through time and inspire people we'll never even meet. The part about keeping history alive with the written word? Totally. Without books and articles, we'd be lost! It's like what you say, the great thinkers of the past are still alive because of their words.

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Appreciate the kind words brother

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This is a powerful testament to the magic of writing! You perfectly capture the way it allows us to connect with the past, present, and future through ideas. The "eternal conversation" between author and reader is a lovely image, and the bridge between theory and practice is such a valuable function of writing. Thank you for sharing your passion!

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I’m glad you enjoyed it, thank you so much for the kind words!

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Beautifully said.

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May 2Liked by Ty Tidwell

‘It has revived the child-like wonder that we all lose somewhere along the journey of our adolescence.’

This was beautifully put, thank you for sharing

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Thank you so much!

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